May 15, 2013


Connections between people are everywhere you look. From parents to their children, siblings, and even the friendships that have been made along the way. My daughter Savannah (#13) started playing soccer with her best friend Chloe (#4, who is beside Savannah turned around) a few months ago. The connection between them goes back many, many years....even before they were born. I have been friends with Chloe's mom since we were about 4 years old or younger and our mothers have been friends since they were in their 20's.  There is a bond between us all that only continues to grow stronger every hour, everyday and each year.

There is nothing that can stand in the way of the love that a father feels for his child, especially the way he feels about his little princess.

Please continue around out blog circle to see more about the "everyday moments" and "connections" beginning with the very talented Kim Dupree