April 14, 2013

March ~ Around Town

This months theme is "Around Town" this had us all coming out of our comfort zone and carrying our cameras in public (yes, we all have our cameras in public for photo shoots but this is different). There are so many things around my town from grocery stores to little shopping centers and even my girls favorite - the park.  As I thought about this months theme I knew I wanted to capture images of things that are more likely than not overlooked on a daily basis. So there were only a handful of nice days here in Maryland in March, so I had to make the most of it.

The first day of spring had finally arrived and to celebrate my husband and I took the girls to get some Rita's Italian Ice.  As we were leaving I couldn't help but notice that the tree in my front yard had started to bloom. The buds were a happy indication that the warm days of spring were just around the corner.

Once we had our Italian Ice and soft serve ice cream in hand we proceeded to find a table outside so we could enjoy the nice weather. As I was sitting there enjoying the moment with my family my eyes started following the umbrella on our table up and I couldn't help but notice all the lines at the top of the umbrella - they had all these magical photographic qualities that just drew your eyes attention.

The bench at our table had a pattern that caught my eye. 

Our plan was to take the kids to the park to enjoy themselves, but mother nature had other plans and decide to keep our area under the cold winter temperatures. So I went to the park solo because obviously it was too cold for the kids. Again I just took the everyday objects around town and focused on them. 

If you would like to join our blog group of just follow along please check out Melissa's blog http://www.serendipityissweet.com/


  1. Crystal, you found some lovely textures and patterns to photograph! Absolutely stunning work!

  2. These are lovely. I especially love the one of the umbrella. What a great pattern to discover!
